About Us

Core Value

Elevating Artistic Excellence

At Solid Unique Music , our core value is centered around elevating artistic excellence. We firmly believe in the power of art to inspire, transform, and create profound connections. Our commitment to this core value drives every aspect of our work and defines our approach to artist management.



Discover Njika, a versatile artist who effortlessly merges Afro and hip hop influences. Njika’s unique soundscape is a celebration of cultural fusion, combining soulful melodies, rhythmic beats, and thought-provoking lyrics. His music is a journey through diverse musical landscapes, reflecting a rich heritage and contemporary flair.
Listen To Njika Here

Octane Wayne

Introducing Octane, a rising star in the hip hop world. With razor-sharp lyrics and a distinctive flow, Octane delivers hard-hitting tracks that resonate with authenticity and raw emotion. His music captures the essence of street culture while pushing the boundaries of the genre.
Listen To Octane Wayne Here


Meet Bish, a dynamic artist who brings vibrant energy to the Afro music scene. Known for his infectious rhythms and powerful vocals, Bish seamlessly blends traditional African sounds with modern beats, creating a sound that is both fresh and timeless.
Listen To Bish Here