Our Services

What We Offer

Layer 1

Career Development

We create a roadmap for artists' career growth, guiding them towards new horizons and achievements.
Layer 2

Booking and Tour Management

Our team secures bookings and handles meticulous tour management, ensuring successful and seamless performances.
Layer 3

Media and Public Relations

We build strong media relationships and manage PR campaigns to elevate artists' profiles and reach a wider audience.
Layer 4

Branding and Image Consulting

Crafting a distinctive brand image that resonates with audiences is vital, and we offer expert guidance in this aspect.
Layer 5

Contract Negotiations

Our skilled negotiators secure fair deals and advantageous contracts to safeguard artists' interests.
Our Mission

Empowering Artistic Brilliance

Our mission at Solid Unique Music is to empower artistic brilliance and nurture the talents of artists worldwide. We strive to be a driving force behind their success, providing unwavering support, expert guidance, and strategic management to help them reach their fullest potential.


Discover Njika, a versatile artist who effortlessly merges Afro and hip hop influences. Njika’s unique soundscape is a celebration of cultural fusion, combining soulful melodies, rhythmic beats, and thought-provoking lyrics. His music is a journey through diverse musical landscapes, reflecting a rich heritage and contemporary flair.
Listen To Njika Here